

Yesterday, while babysitting for a friend, her boys weren’t feeling too hot, so they sat watching a movie while I had the {choice} opportunity of perusing Facebook when I came across THIS article.  What a wonderful blessing for me to recount the blessings that are recipients of the promises that God has made with me.  

Over the last 7 months, we have had many learning and growing experiences.  Greg and I both felt right about moving our family out here, and as we have been stretched and pulled and pushed and prodded, they truly have been some of the most trying times of our married life.  Although trying, it is incredible to me that throughout these months, I have felt the closest to my Heavenly Father, and through these situations, we are encouraged to have a closer relationship with Him.  

We have made covenants with our Heavenly Father.  A covenant, as I understand it, is a 3 way promise between us and Heavenly Father.  The Lord has promised us blessings if we keep the promise we made with Him.  And I won’t lie, I have had to come to realizations that the blessings that the Lord decides to send us aren’t always the ones that we expect, or the blessings that would make our lives more convenient.  THIS talk has helped me come to that realization.

But, there definitely comes a time when I feel like I can’t be stretched anymore.  At those times, I am truly grateful that the Lord shows His hand in my life, as if to wrap me up in the arms of His love and whispers to me, “My child, I knew you could make it.  Trust Me, I am molding you.”  And I truly feel Him molding our life.  His promises are sure!


HERE is another talk I am going to study concerning His promises.

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